Personal logo involving astral elements

 About the Designer

Abigail Fitch

A visual artist who implements core aspects of design to create projects that fulfill balanced and artistic integrations of dynamic typography, logos, branding, motion design, and illustration. I also try to expand my design abilities to include traditional skills such as painting, drawing, construction, product creation, and technical requirements like professional printing and binding. My work implements a need to solve problems, achieve specific goals, and address business concerns with solutions that, at their core, promote creativity, critical thinking, and expressive designs that captivate audiences.

As a longtime fan of all assorted forms of media, illustration, and art, graphic design has been an amazing way to see how intricate the creation of a digital landscape can be. Paired with logical thinking, creativity, and imagination, designers use tools to solve problems and create new life within this world. This industry is inspiring, as it looks within the human mind to assess how to appeal to consumers. This attention to how others perceive our work gives me, and all designers, the ability to keep transforming. I am enthusiastic to continue learning, creating, and experiencing everything this industry has to offer, while honing and developing my skills during that process.


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