Event Marketing

Promotional events used to expand the client base were exciting occasions that allowed our team to further spread awareness of the existence of the amazing services and deals at The Skin and Vein Center. Email blasts sent to over 25,000+ people were used to harness attention to this function, as well as paid ad campaigns that reached thousands of viewers through Facebook.

The four images to the immediate left and bottom are all examples of Facebook and Instagram posts used to advertise this celebratory event on a large scale to our consumer base. The images below these were professionally printed flyers meant to guide, inform, and excite the people while in attendance of the savings event. The flyers were created to have a sense of flair, to coincide with the amazing, celebratory deals meant to excite everyone there.

Every asset created for this company implemented strong shades of blues, as that is the primary color seen through The Skin and Vein center’s overall brand. Typology remained simplistic and elegant, remaining classy without getting too decorative that it interfered with readability. These consistent style decisions allowed the entire media campaign to remain uniform across platforms.

Digital Design & Social Media


Designs below were implemented by The Skin and Vein Center in paid Facebook and Instagram ads reaching 10,000+ viewers, used in various social media posts, email campaigns going towards a 24,000 client base, and displayed throughout four office lobby tv screens.