Skin Fitness Program Flyer

Brochures, Cards & Marketing Assets

Alterations, implementations, and continuations were added to many company assets to expand their usefulness and clarify updated information. These assets include Skin Fitness membership brochures, menu of service pricing, and rack cards.

Personally made, original assets include business cards for staff and management, QR review cards for several branches of offices, and a referral review card sent out to clientele. The Skin Camouflage brochure was also created from scratch through a cohesive design process, used to highlight a new service offered by The Skin and Vein Center. All rectangular flyer cards are also original designs used to generate excitement and insight regarding the latest deals, events, and services offered at the company.

All changes to printed assets as well as original designs were crafted to highlight important information, keep details concise and clear, and expand the effectiveness of their designs for the business and their clientele.

Cookbook Typesetting

This typesetting college exercise was created to challenge my spacial skills regarding the balancing of many elements within a small space. This project focuses on classic Mexican cuisine, so the branding elements were meant to indicate the same style as the flavor itself. Typographical features and illustrations were visioned to be bold, but not distracting, to easily pair alongside the instructions of the recipes.

The process of typesetting contains is very intricate, as leading, kerning, and typographical details make a big difference in aiding the final product, as well as the solidified branding elements like color palette that can carry over into other elements of merchandise.


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